Artworks list for GIVES Art Exhibition & Auction. GIVES艺术展览及拍卖会作品名单GIVES ART EXHIBITION AND AUCTION ARTWORKS LIST GIVES艺术展览及拍卖作品名单
Acclaimed artworks by Ms. Piazza Tang (pc) 著名画家Ms. Piazza Tang (pc) 作品集 For more enquiry or to bid, please email gives.art@foxmail.com. All proceeds go to GIVES funded charity project. 如需更多详情或出价,请电邮gives.art@foxmail.com。净收益将全部捐献至广东国际义工服务团体资助的慈善项目。
Memory Of Lingnan Diptych, oil on canvas 51cm x 41cm 岭南记忆 布面油画双联画 51cm x 41cm Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥18,000 With the onset of summer, Lingnan mountains and fields are speckled red with clusters of lychees. Sweet and juicy, these lychees evoke a beautiful remembrance of the Lingnan region. 夏天是岭南荔枝成熟的季节,远远望去,漫山遍野红彤彤的荔枝,一簇簇的把树枝压弯了腰。荔枝是岭南特产,所以也成了记忆的一部分,荔枝晶莹剔透的果肉,多汁香甜的味道让人难以忘,回味无穷。
Owl Love You Forever I Oil on canvas 布面油画 61cm x 77cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥22,000
Owls, often used to symbolize knowledge and wisdom, have appeared as doctorates and wise men in stories and fairy tales. While limited in movement, owls’ eyes are sharp, and their necks can rotate up to 270 degrees. 画作标题的灵感来自英文字音的双关语俏皮话:Owl Love You Forever (=I’ll Love You Forever)。猫头鹰被认为是象征知识与智慧的鸟类动物,在童话故事中都以博士、智 者形象出现,它们的眼睛就像望远镜一样,具有强大的远视功能,在微弱的光线下仍能保持良好的视线,但因为眼睛是管状的无法轻易转动眼球,所以必须转动头部 来观察周围事物,它们的颈部可以旋转 270 度。
Owl Love You Forever II Oil on canvas 布面油画 61cm x 77cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥22,000 Owls, often used to symbolize knowledge and wisdom, have appeared as doctorates and wise men in stories and fairy tales. While limited in movement, owls’ eyes are sharp, and their necks can rotate up to 270 degrees. 画作标题的灵感来自英文字音的双关语俏皮话:Owl Love You Forever (=I’ll Love You Forever)。猫头鹰被认为是象征知识与智慧的鸟类动物,在童话故事中都以博士、智 者形象出现,它们的眼睛就像望远镜一样,具有强大的远视功能,在微弱的光线下仍能保持良好的视线,但因为眼睛是管状的无法轻易转动眼球,所以必须转动头部 来观察周围事物,它们的颈部可以旋转 270 度。
A Quiet Day In Spring Oil on canvas 宁静春日 布面油画 77cm x 102cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥32,000
Sunrise to work Sunset to rest Drink from the well Eat from the field I am the emperor of this world of mine The Hani people I met in Yunnan inspired in me a beautiful portrait of diligence, simplicity, contentment, peace and happiness. Their contentment reminded me of an Ancient Chinese poem which I paraphrased here. 日出而作,日入而息。凿井而饮,耕田而食。帝力于我何有哉!在云南遇见的哈尼人家就如这《击壤歌》所描绘的,好一幅勤朴知足祥和安乐的美景。
The Scenic Lotus Pond Acrylic on canvas 80cm x 60cm 荷塘风采 布面丙烯画 80cm x 60cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥16,000 The beauty of the lotus is pure and elegant, set apart from the surrounding mud. The lotus leaf shifts with the wind, exuding the light fragrance of the noble lotus. 观荷塘景色能令人觉得神清气爽内心一片祥和,也总会带给人一些感触。荷花的美不喧闹不俗艳,是素净雅致出淤泥而不染的美,游走在碧绿与墨绿之间的荷叶偶尔随风轻扬,在水面静静地吐露着几乎不被人察觉的芬芳。荷花之所以让人觉得有一种高贵清雅的感觉,也在于荷叶的守护和衬托,这是爱所带来的结果。
Rainy Day In San Francisco Acrylic on canvas 雨中的三藩市 布面丙烯画 60cm x 80cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥16,000
Under a rain-soaked lens, a serious business district in San Francisco is transformed into a romantic street full of life and wonder. 灯光遇到水总能擦出火花,两者的结合会制造出奇妙无比,七彩斑斓的光影效果,让雨中的三藩市别有一番美感。注视着雨中的街道,看路人打着不同颜色的雨伞穿梭往来,路两旁的景物,车辆的灯光,在波光粼粼中泛出美妙绝伦的倒影,平常一派严肃生硬灰色建筑物林立的市中心路段,忽然展现了充满诗情画意浪漫的一面。
Street In The Rain Oil on canvas 60cm x 80cm 雨中即景 布面油画 60cm x 80cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥26,000
Rain droplets turn into silky waterfalls on the window glass overlooking the silent streets. 下雨的日子也有其美感。当大雨滂沱哗啦淅沥的打在窗前,水珠变成丝丝的瀑布滑落在玻璃上,街道没有了往日喧闹的情景,没有了车水马龙,行人稀少,却有一种安静的感觉,仿佛一切都进入一个梦幻的滤镜状态。
Przewalski's Wild Horses Oil on canvas 蓄势待发 布面油画 77cm x 102cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥36,000
Przewalski’s wild horses are the last of its kind, unparalleled in their temperament and speed. When they sense danger, they gallop away like an unstoppable roaring torrent. 普氏野马是世界上仅存的野马,天性敏锐机警性情剽悍与体壮善跑,在安全的时候很安逸,危机意识来临会驱使它们放蹄奔驰有如咆哮洪流势不可挡。
Sunflower - Unshakable Faith Oil on canvas 向日葵-不可动摇的信念 布面油画 61cm x 77cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥30,000
Sunflowers epitomize unshakable faith and unconditional love; They possess the uncanny abilities to encourage, delight, and warm up the soul. 向日葵的寓意从它本身的名字而来,它从太阳那里反射回来的是阳光,勇敢、温暖,幸福。向日葵象征着爱慕、忠诚、长寿,有着不可动摇的信念和无条件的爱,它的独特魅力在于爱的坦坦荡荡,爱得不离不弃,而且,它绽放的不仅是爱情,还是对梦想、对生活的热爱。
A Spring To Remember Oil on canvas 难忘的春天 布面油画 102cm x 77cm Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥45,000 Our lives consist of beautiful moments that leave marks on our hearts and become unforgettable memories. 生命中总有让人难忘的事,在某个春暖花开的时候,去过什么地方,遇见了什么人,编写了什么样的故事,那些美好的瞬间都会在我们心中留下印记,成为我们难以忘的的回忆。
A Feast Of Berries 盛宴-太平鸟与忍冬果 布面油画 102cm x 77cm
Suggested starting price 建议起拍价 (CNY) ¥40,000 Handsome waxwings dance around the crabapple trees eating the berries. This is a picture of elegance and contentment. 颜色鲜艳明亮的太平鸟外形俊俏,冬春时多以植物的果子为食,忍冬树是他们喜欢光顾的地方,在鲜红的忍冬果丛中欢快跳跃的太平鸟常常构成色彩绚丽灿烂、无比优美的吸睛画面,何等的丰盛与满足。 For more enquiry or to bid, please email gives.art@foxmail.com. All proceeds go to GIVES funded charity project. 如需更多详情或出价,请电邮gives.art@foxmail.com。净收益将全部捐献至广东国际义工服务团体资助的慈善项目。 Artist’s bio Ms. Piazza Tang(pc) is a graduate from the New York Fashion Institute of Technology, specializing in textile and surface design. After working as a textile designer for many years, she has made a return to the fine arts. She currently paints with oil, acrylic, gouache, and watercolor. pc employs bold strokes and brilliant colors to highlight the goodness found in nature, wild life, and people. pc’s painting style is best described as East meets West, a combination of realism, expressionism and freestyle.
画家简介 Piazza Tang (pc) 毕业于美国纽约 FIT 大学的纺织品/平面设计专业,从事纺织品设计师 多年后重新回校修读纯美术绘画专业。画作包括油画、丙烯画、水彩画、水粉画、国 画等,题材多样,喜欢用画笔诠释生命中遇见的美善。
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